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Serendipity Leads Xlibris Author Leslie B. Cole To Pen His First Book – Part 2

Welcome to the second installment of Xlibris author Les Cole’s blog entry where he gives hopeful writers his tricks of the trade.

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Les’ Writing Tips

Although Les considers himself a novice writer who may be unqualified to offer writing advice, aspiring writers may find his simple yet relevant tips worth noting. Aside from his comprehensive biography/history book, he has several unpublished essays and poems.

As a youngster I had a close friend who was a well-known author, Dorothy Canfield. I recall asking her, “How does one write a book?:” She responded, “Just start writing”. That is pretty simplistic but I know from my personal experience that having an idea or inspiration isn’t worth much until it is expressed. It is easy to edit “something” rather than “nothing”.

Do some research. Even though you may be writing a novel, it is a good idea to look over some other books with a studious attitude. Evaluate how others have expressed themselves.

Be inventive and emotionally involved. Believe in what you are saying. The reader will learn something about “you” as well as your subject.

Allow yourself some time. Jotting down a thought very briefly as a scratch-note can be developed later. It’s OK to throw out something later if you don’t like it, but you may not remember a good sentence or theme later unless you have some notes. It may take a pretty long time to achieve what you know is satisfactory from your own point of view. It’s pretty unusual that you could write a whole book as a single effort.

Ask for criticism with an open mind but don’t give up the integrity of your own work or style.

At some time in your project, get some editing by a technically qualified person. I had a real problem accepting some word changes provided by an editor because I tend to write as I talk, but an editor saw some of my expressions as a “reader” would see them, and I made the changes. That was helpful.

Thank you very much, Les Cole, for contributing on the Xlibris Blog. Your insights will surely inspire many writers to pursue their literary dream that is always never too late to realize.

Read the first installment of Les’ blog here.

Get to know more Xlibris authors at the Xlibris Indie Authors Roundup, and learn writing, editing, and book marketing strategies at the Xlibris Self Publishing.

Visit original post here.

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